Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Finn-public space#1

I plan to analyze Alice-Carlson elementary school because I think it is often overlooked within the TCU campus and community. I have had the chance to visit Alice Carlson for many of my education classes and also as a TCU student who is just as annoyed with the traffic at 3:00 in the afternoon as everyone else.
I plan to observe this space in one of my education classes on Thursday January 29 around noon and then again as I drive to work on Friday January 30 around 3:00. I hope these two different perspectives will create a well-rounded analysis if this school on TCU's north campus.

I have a few ideas already about this space because I have been able to be apart of the community and actually talk to students at this school. At the a same time, I have been one to have to slam on the breaks when children run out in the middle of the street. I hope to discover more about how Alice Carlson sees TCU. I already know how we students, for the most part, view this school. I am curious to find out how teachers and students over there view us.


  1. Tara, What an interesting perspective to consider. I really like the creativity of trying to see the situation from the other side. Based on having an observation as both an insider and someone that is inconvenienced by the school, you'll likely have some interesting rhetoric to explore. In order to keep your topic narrowed and manageable, you might want to focus on a specific area or space related to the school. Because you're interested in the children outside at 3pm, you might consider the rhetoric around doorways and the exterior at both times. The proposal sounds good so far!

  2. i have to agree it is a little too broad, and you should narrow it down to one specific topic. I agree it is really overlooked by everyone at TCU. I lived in sherley last year, which is like right besides it, and I did not realize that school was there until like half way through my first semester.
    You picked an original place though.
