Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I think that my first two body sections are solid. The two sources that I began to analyze are the ones I am most confident in, and therefore, was able to write the most about. They take similar views on study abroad and how the country's view effects how the world sees America. As I was writing my paragraphs, I began to realize that my topic incorporates a lot more than I thought it did when I first started. I began with the idea that I would talk about the benefits of study abroad and how it is crucial to the college experience. As I furthered my research however, I began to realize that I needed to change my focus. I need to argue the study abroad is crucial to not only the college experience, but also to the United States a whole; specifically the economy. I never realize this before, but have found it quite fascinating to discover.

As far as my rhetorical strategies, I think that most of my sources deal with the facts, therefore the logos and they come from credible sources to the ethos is displayed as well. But I think I need to elaborate on the sources pathos. I think with more relatedness, the audinece will be able to more easily understand. While writing, I tried to set up a model in my paper. I wanted to introduce the source and its author with a little background information, so the reader could decide if it was biased or not based on the circumstances. I then went paragraph by paragraph through each source and either summarized or quoted points that were relevant and need to be further analyzed.

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